Artery Gear: Fusion (Bilibili) – CBT Gameplay (Android/IOS)

Artery Gear: Fusion (机动战姬:聚变) (Bilibili) – CBT Gameplay (Android/IOS)


《机动战姬:聚变》是一款机甲少女题材作品。玩家将担任指挥官一职,集结作战小队,与残暴的「傀儡」进行战斗。炫丽品质技能特效,技能搭配策略对决, 更有百余位特色鲜明的机甲少女,与你一同并肩作战!

In Artery Gear: Fusion, you will be a commander in the “Puppet War”, a game in which you will encounter a variety of Mecha girls of different styles – “Artery Gear” (AG for short).

In the game, players will encounter a variety of different styles of Mecha girls called “Artery Gear” (AG for short), each with their own unique skills and settings, and they will need to be formed into a fighting team to fight against the brutal puppets. The game itself uses a combination of 3D and Spine technology to simulate a variety of complex action modules, fully liberating the character limitations to create a variety of structures and body types. Meanwhile, the game itself adopts new lighting technology to bring out the character’s self-luminescence and particle rendering effect to the fullest, highlighting the game’s overall sense of technology and allowing every player to enjoy the cool visual feast in the battle.

►► Total Size: 3.27GB

► Online/Offline: Online

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