MSSIS is a low-cost, unclassified, near real-time net that is used to track vessels as they traverse the world ’ mho waterways .
Countries that employ MSSIS in their embark operations are able to share data from automatic rifle Identification Systems ( AIS ) .
The primary finish of MSSIS is to increase maritime safety and security through a comprehensive situational awareness display of vessels equipped with AIS.
today, more than 75 countries have joined the MSSIS network, which has significantly improved nautical safety and economic stability for participating countries. The arrangement presently tracks more than 70,000 vessels and continues to be an invaluable joyride for security forces globally, providing support for international military operations and joint exercises angstrom well as search-and-rescue missions .
This feat has furthered Volpe ’ s historical work in the development of MDA networks, such as its advanced work on the Panama Canal and Saint Lawrence Seaway .
The Challenge
Maintaining timely and accurate nautical domain awareness posed a dilemma for the U.S. Navy for a phone number of years. prior to implementing MSSIS and AIS technology, the U.S. Navy had a very limited opinion of the state ’ second coastline and of the number and destinations of ships traversing U.S. and international waters .
however, Volpe stepped up to the challenge. Working close with NATO and the U.S. Navy, Volpe quickly built and first deployed the MSSIS network in 2006, providing users with streaming and real-time information of global vessel movement.
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Volpe ’ s employment disproved diligence experts who predicted that the project would take years and cost tens of millions of dollars .
The Solution
technical staff at Volpe leveraged their network and system engineering expertness to promote collaboration and data-sharing between countries, increasing maritime security and safety around the ball. In addition to growing the MSSIS network to more than 75 external participants, the Volpe team has made numerous enhancements to Transview ( TV32 ), the MSSIS display customer, and completing a rigorous security information work for the MSSIS server cortege and part software applications .
Volpe is besides applying MSSIS engineering to other areas. Volpe technical experts are working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ’ second ( NOAA ) National Marine Fisheries Service to develop a capability to identify vessels that exceed established travel rapidly limits in right whale migration areas, helping NOAA Fisheries reduce the number of collisions between ships and North Atlantic properly whales.
Read more: Maritime search and rescue – Documentary
The Impact
Since the initial deployment of MSSIS, Volpe has been at the focus on of discussions on the benefits of global maritime domain awareness with countries and agencies across the globe. Along with aiding maritime traffic run, MSSIS has been an invaluable tool in fighting drug smuggle, human traffic, plagiarism, and global terrorism .
The impingement of MSSIS on improving and sustaining ball-shaped maritime knowledge domain awareness can be seen in the following results :
- Shared global data: Countries joining the MSSIS network immediately realize its benefits. Transview serves as a common system interface and vessel tracking display, providing a variety of standalone display features that also function as a gateway for participants to access and contribute to the aggregated, global data.
- Tropical storm rescue: In September 2011, Tropical Storm Nate damaged an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and set it adrift with 10 workers aboard. The Mexican Navy used MSSIS to track the drifting platform and execute command and control for the rescue operation from Mexico City.
- $100 million cocaine bust: In October 2011, during a multi-day joint operation between Cape Verde and U.S. law enforcement, authorities used MSSIS to identify a cargo vessel offloading 1.5 tons of cocaine in Cape Verde, Africa. Volpe deployed and maintained the AIS system in Cape Verde and developed MSSIS, which was used to facilitate the $100 million drug seizure.
- Expanding Mexico’s maritime picture: Volpe staff built Mexico’s AIS system from scratch, working directly with the U.S. Northern Command and the Mexican Navy to install 36 AIS receive stations around the country. This project, which began in 2009 and was completed in 2012, has allowed Mexico to move from more labor-intensive methods of keeping up their waters to taking part in MSSIS, which has increased efficiency and significantly expanded the country’s maritime picture.