Sea Power: The U.S. Navy and Foreign Policy

Like the british Royal Navy more than a hundred before it, the U.S. Navy has a command of the sea that affords the United States unrivaled external influence. For decades, its size and sophistication have enabled leaders in Washington to project american power over a lot of the earth, during times of both war and peace. Yet some experts believe the dark blue is at a crossroads, facing a hardened of historic challenges, from budget pressure to China ’ s naval modernization, that could soon erode its domination .

What are the navy’s advantages?

By its use of the sea, which covers closely three-quarters of the earth, a united states navy can do things that land-based forces can not. It can provide extraordinary access to points of interest around the earth, patrolling critical waterways and maneuvering to distant shores and population centers. The United States is a nautical world power because its heavily armed warships can travel thousands of miles in a topic of days and linger around points of interest without imposing on another area ’ mho reign and, if desired, without provoking much attention. This makes the united states navy an fabulously herculean tool, specially for responding to international crises .

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At the same fourth dimension, the united states navy ’ sulfur superior revoke capability allows for the tape drive of firepower, fuel, food, and other cargo needed to sustain distant fight operations. “ The crucial enabler for America ’ s ability to project its military power for the past six decades has been its about complete command over the ball-shaped commons, ” wrote U.S. Joint Forces Command in a 2010 strategy document [ PDF ] .

What is the navy’s role?

The roles a united states navy serves depend on its capabilities. The United States is one of only a handful of countries that have a alleged blue-water united states navy, which can operate across the open ocean. Others, constrained by geography or resources, may only maintain fleets for coastal regions ( green-water ) or for rivers and estuaries ( brown-water ). The dark blue ’ second power is rooted in its capacitance to use or threaten force out, but it besides has meaning diplomatic and police functions. In fulfilling these, the U.S. Navy regularly deploys with the Marine Corps, an amphibious assault force, and the Coast Guard, which enforces maritime law and conducts search and rescue operations, among early functions .
These three naval services have respective interrelated capabilities that they say establish U.S. sea office : Forward presence. The united states navy deploys to assorted regions where the United States has a strategic sake. This demonstrates a haunting but not permanent wave U.S. commitment .
disincentive. It discourages adversaries from acting against the United States and its allies and partners. For case, U.S. Navy ballistic-missile submarines serve as a leg of the nuclear three, peculiarly valued for their ability to hide and stay a credible menace during a likely nuclear conflict .
Sea restraint. It exercises control over the sea, at least in sealed areas for certain lengths of time. Sea control provides a freedom of action that is required for the pursuit of other objectives, such as shipping auspices, military sealift, and blockade .
Power projection. It can threaten or direct strikes—from ballistic-missile attacks to amphibious assaults—against targets ashore for sustained periods .
Maritime security. It protects seaborne commerce—some 90 percentage of global trade travels by ship—and generally maintains order at sea. Operations include counterpiracy, drug interdict, environmental security, and other law enforcement .
humanitarian care. It responds to natural and man-made disasters with aesculapian, food, and logistic and security aid .

How is the navy used for diplomacy?

maritime powers including the United States have long used navies to influence the demeanor of allies and adversaries during times of peace .
These types of naval operations may be intended to support, reassure, deter, or threaten unlike actors. Some have used the term “ gunboat delicacy ” to refer to the more coercive use of navies. early analysts have characterized the political use of naval world power as “ armed persuasion. ”
Tactics the united states navy employs for diplomatic effect include :
Port calls. For case, the USS Carl Vinson sailed into Da Nang, Vietnam, in 2018 in a sign to China that U.S.-Vietnam ties were warming. It was the first U.S. aircraft carrier to visit Vietnam since the United States warred with communist forces there decades ago .
Transits. The USS Curtis Wilbur and the USCGC Bertholf passed through the Strait of Taiwan in March 2019 in a prove of support for Taiwan and to demonstrate the “ U.S. commitment to a release and open Indo-Pacific. ”
freedom of seafaring operations. The navy regularly conducts such operations, besides known as FONOPs [ PDF ], to challenge what it sees as excessive nautical claims by other states. In 2018, the U.S. military challenged more than two twelve claimants, including China, Iran, and Slovenia .
Combat capability demonstrations. In the drop of 2018, the U.S. Navy led forces from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) in the Trident Juncture exercises, a mock department of defense of Norway that was in big character intended to deter russian aggression in Europe. It was the alliance ’ randomness largest military exercises in about two decades .
Force-level changes. In 2018, NATO ships increased their presence in the Black Sea by some 50 percentage compared to the former class, responding to russian operations there, including the seizure of ukrainian vessels.

Fleet architecture changes. end year, the U.S. Navy reestablished its second Fleet in the Atlantic in recognition of a return to “ an earned run average of great might rival. ”
More broadly, navies can exert determine by their mere bearing and normal operations. For exemplify, the navy is a cornerstone of U.S. military alliances with far-flung states such as Japan and the Philippines .

Where is the U.S. Navy deployed?

The navy has six fleets covering different parts of the world, and it maintains more than a twelve permanent installations outside the adjacent United States, with multiple locations in Italy and Japan .
A world map showing locations of forward U.S. navy installations.

How big is the navy?

With about 290 ships in late years, the U.S. Navy is not the largest in the populace, but it ’ s the most brawny. The United States has eleven aircraft carriers, the largest military vessels in the universe, while China and Russia each have only one. however, such numeric comparisons are of limited value, and defense analysts caution that the yardstick should be whether the united states navy, a well as other services, are equipped to fulfill the state ’ s security and extraneous policy objectives .
A chart showing the number of ships, aircraft, personnel, and budget of the U.S. Navy.

A rationale for U.S. forces in late decades has been defending against the rise of adversaries that could deny the United States access to important allies and markets in Europe and Asia. “ The traditional U.S. goal of preventing the emergence of a regional hegemon in one part of Eurasia or another has been a major reason why the U.S. military is structured with force elements that enable it to cross broad expanses of ocean and air space and then behave sustained, large-scale military operations upon arrival, ” says a late report on the U.S. Navy [ PDF ] by the Congressional Research Service. In its latest National Security Strategy, President Donald J. Trump ’ s administration listed China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea [ PDF ] as top threats to the United States .
As of mid-2019, the navy ’ sulfur goal is to build a fleet of 355 ships, which it projects to meet in the 2030s. however, in reaction to an emerging menace environment in which big warships could become more vulnerable to attack in contest areas, the navy could soon alter this target and look to build a greater number of modest surface ships and unman vessels .

Who leads the navy?

The navy bureaucracy is led by a civilian, the repository of the dark blue, and a aged military military officer, the head of naval operations ( CNO ). The Marine Corps besides falls under the Department of the Navy but has its own senior military officer, the commanding officer of the Marine Corps. Both the CNO and the commanding officer serve along with the heads of the air force out, army, and national guard as members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a group that advises the president of the united states and repository of defense on military matters .
The head, however, do not have functional command over their services. The chain of dominate runs from the president to the secretary of refutation to the combatant commanders, with the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff serving as a conduit. There are ten-spot combatant commands, six geographic and four functional, all led by four-star officers. Some commands, such as the Indo-Pacific Command ( once Pacific Command ), have been dominated by one service, in this case the dark blue .
The seashore guard is a military service but not part of the navy, although it frequently partners close with it in situations that have a police component, such as international sanctions enforcement. For exemplify, the coast guard has in recent months conducted high-profile operations with the dark blue in the Asia-Pacific area. It is a part of the Department of Homeland Security but can operate as an branch of the united states navy during wartime .

How does the navy deploy?

The dark blue deploys depending on national priorities and the mission at hand. possibly the most well-known formation is the carrier strike group, centered around a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its publicize fender of dozens of warplanes. Providing protection and other hold for the group are, by and large, a guided-missile cabin cruiser, respective guided-missile destroyers, an attack submarine, and a supply transport. More than seven thousand sailors and Marines serve each group .
As a recent case, the Trump administration deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln and its hit group to the Arabian Sea in a admonition to Iran in early 2019. At any one prison term, the dark blue has two to three aircraft carrier groups afoot, with the remaining groups cycling through care and train .
A chart showing two common U.S. Navy formations: the carrier strike group and the amphibious ready group.

Another common geological formation is the amphibious ready group, organized around an assault ship and a nautical expeditionary unit, and accompanied by a transportation dock embark and a dock-landing transport. Carrying a full complement of attack planes and helicopters, aircraft carrier rape ships such as the USS Wasp and Kearsarge could well be mistaken for aircraft carriers though they are not classified as such. The united states navy besides has two to three of these groups afoot at any time .

What challenges is the navy facing?

The united states navy faces headwinds as it plots its course for the future respective decades. Leaders are particularly insomniac of the western Pacific, where the united states navy is jockeying with the China for charm. The United States has long dominated the region ’ s huge waters, but China is pushing hard to gain rock over many of the little island countries with development loans and early inducements. The sparsely populate islands are prized not for their commercial potential but for their strategic respect, analysts say .
“ This is a pre-conflict type of apparition game, a geopolitical non-war version of island-hopping. The Pacific has become strategic again for the first prison term since World War II, ” international security technical Euan Graham told the Financial Times. The competition could intensify as China modernizes its united states navy, building new aircraft carriers, submarines, and frigates .
meanwhile, China and many other coastal states are claiming controversial maritime rights —like requiring foreign ships to notify a state before sailing through its territorial waters—that if left unbridled could erode the dark blue ’ randomness access. China is besides building artificial islands in the South China Sea .
defense experts besides cite the challenge posed by proliferation of anti-access and area denial capabilities. These weapons, known as A2/AD, are intended to push naval adversaries farther out to sea or to keep them in port. One of the most spill about of these threats is the hypersonic anti-ship projectile. Under development by China, Russia, the United States, and others, it can overcome a ship ’ s air defenses by traveling at several times the speed of sound.

Some naval experts believe these looming threats will usher in a newfangled era of naval war in which the aircraft carrier will have no locate. The U.S. aircraft carrier and amphibious flit “ both share a critically important place in the overall fleet architecture—they are both unaffordable anachronism of a bygone era, ” writes Noel Williams, a naval adept and put out Marine officer, in War on the Rocks .
Others say the carrier will likely adapt and sail on. “ future carriers may have different designs, capabilities, and even names, but the U.S. politics ’ s need to project power from the sea will not change, ” says U.S. Navy Captain Kevin Brand, a former CFR military colleague .
Some claim that the biggest long-run menace to the united states navy, and to the U.S. military generally, is not alien but domestic : a shrinking budget. Economists expect the challenge to grow as the U.S. population ages and the area spends more on health manage, sociable security, and interest on the national debt, which is on course to roughly double to 144 percentage of megascopic domestic intersection over the following thirty years .

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