The largest shipping companies – Top shipowners in the world | ShipHub

A shipowner ( carrier ) is the owner of the embark or another arrangement or person who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the vessel from the owner and chartered it. The organization or person fulfills specific duties or responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner, such as employing the crew. Ocean carriers chiefly provide shipping services. The largest transport companies move all over 80 % of goods by ocean .

The largest shipping companies – Top 10

Of all the modes of transportation in logistics, sea embark is placid the most common. annually, around 24 million TEUs are transported by sea in the universe. The ten largest shipowners ship 20.2 million TEU, accounting for about 84 % of all goods transported by ocean. In addition, there are 6195 ships in the populace in use, and about 53 % of these ships ( 3296 ) belong to the ten-spot biggest transportation lines .
Let ’ s take a attend at the circus tent 10 ocean embark companies by the TEUs capacity ( twenty-foot equivalent units ) that stands for the number of standard ( 20-foot ) container boxes .

10. ZIM (Israel)

The biggest shipping companies - ZIM Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. is a populace transport party based in Haifa. Established in 1945 as ZIM Palestine Navigation Company Ltd., after the State of Israel was established in 1948, the company ’ second appoint was changed to ZIM Israel Navigation Company Ltd.

The Israeli company has 97 vessels, and its capacitance is 0.4 million TEU .
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9. Yang Ming (Taiwan)

Yang Ming shipowner Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation is a private ship party based in Keelung, Taiwan. It was founded in 1972. The company owns container terminals in Taiwan, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States. It offers regular container transportation system services in Asia, Europe, the United States, and Australia, close to 70 countries .
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation has 89 vessels in its flit ; its capacity is 0.5 million TEU .
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8. HMM (South Korea)

HMM shipping line Hyundai Merchant Marine is a public transportation company established in 1970 with near ties to the Hyundai Group. In the beginning, it entirely shipped korean cars. Over time, it expanded its activities ; now, it ships chiefly coal and crude vegetable oil. presently, HMM has the universe ’ second largest container ships, like HMM Algeciras ( 23,964 TEU ), HMM Copenhagen, HMM Dublin, and HMM Gdansk .
Hyundai Merchant Marine has 74 vessels, and its total capacity is 0.7 million TEU .
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7. Evergreen Line (Taiwan)

Shipping line Evergreen evergreen Marine Corporation was founded in 1968 in Taipei, Taiwan. Currently, its headquarters are in Taoyuan. It specializes in nautical transportation system ( container shipping ) but besides provides forward services. evergreen builds container terminals, training facilities and oversees shipbuilding. In 2007, Italia Marittima ( Italy ), Hatsu ( Great Britain ), and Evergreen were merged into Evergreen Line .
Its evanesce has 200 vessels, and the capacity is 1.3 million TEU. It calls on 240 ports all over the global .
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6. ONE (Japan)

Shipowner ONE Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd. is a Japanese-Singapore joint venture established in 2017 by Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and K Line. This major container shipping company provides services in 120 countries around the world. It has two main locations : one in Tokyo and the early in Singapore .
Its fleet has 222 ships, and the capacity is 1.6 million TEU .
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5. Hapag-Lloyd (Germany)

Hapag-Lloyd Hapag-Lloyd AG as HAPAG, ( german : Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft ) a ship company founded in 1847, shipped immigrants across the Atlantic Ocean. It merged with Norddeutscher Lloyd in 1970 and has operated as a ship ship’s company always since .
Hapag-Lloyd AG fleet has 257 vessels, and their total capacity is 1.7 million TEU. It presently operates 121 ocean connections and has 395 offices in 127 countries .
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4. CMA CGM S.A. (France)

CMA CGM logo CMA CGM S.A. is a private ship and forwarding company founded in France in 1978 by the french businessman Jacques Saadé as a CMA company. In 1996, after the amalgamation with the company CGM ( Compagnie Générale Maritime ), which Saadé privatized, it was renamed as a CMA CGM company. Its headquarters are in Marseille with a north american branch in Norfolk, Virginia, the US .
It has 556 vessels with a capacity of 3 million TEU. The company operates 200 embark routes connecting 420 ports in 160 countries .
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3. COSCO Shipping (China)

TOP 3 shipping lines COSCO COSCO Shipping Group is a chinese state-owned ship party, ampere well as logistics, fiscal services, and equipment fabricate. The company was formed by the fusion of the COSCO Group and China Shipping Group in 2016. late, it acquired Orient Overseas Container Line ( OOCL ). Its headquarters are in Shanghai .
The company has 500 vessels, and its fleet capacitance is 3 million TEU. COSCO ’ s fleet serves 401 international and domestic transportation routes and calls on 356 ports in 105 countries. The caller has 235 offices in full ( 97 in China ) .
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2. MSC (Switzerland)

The largest shipping companies MSC MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. is a Swiss-Italian ship company founded in 1970 in Italy. The fall through is Captain Gianluigi Aponte, now one of the wealthiest people in the world. Its headquarters are in Geneva, and the company presently has 480 offices across the globe. It provides trade services, deals with dry cargo, joint cargo, intermodal fare, repositing, storage solutions, and more. MSC is besides a cruise liner operator – MSC Cruises .
MSC can carry over 3.8 million TEU on its 589 vessels that visit over 500 ports global .
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1. MAERSK (Denmark)

The largest shipping companies Maersk A.P. Møller-Mærsk is a danish publicly traded kin business based in Copenhagen, founded in 1904. It was named after the company ’ randomness founder, Captain Peter Mærsk Møller, and his son Arnold Peter Møller. Maersk provides such services as ship and loading, including logistics and freight forwarding. digression from sea ship, it besides moves goods by road and vent. As the largest shipowner, the danish company ships 12 million containers annually. presently, it has over 50 container terminals around the world. Its branches are in over 135 countries around the universe, employing more than 120,000 workers .
Mærsk ’ s fleet consists of 712 vessels with a total capacity of 4.1 million TEU.

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The largest shipping companies – a summary

We have compiled a list of the biggest ten-spot shipping companies in the world that have the largest shares in the maritime ship industry. Those container lines keep growing, adding fresh locations, and providing new services. At the same time, those shipping lines are recognized as the best in the diligence and sustain the trust of their customers and clientele partners .
The largest shipping companies

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