Top 5 Best Jungle Minecraft Seeds 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9 (Jungle Village, Jungle island, jungle temple ravine, and more.)
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Seed 5: -5629845427744059835
Cool Jungle Spawn, Jungle Temple by spawn (You will spawn in the middle of a jungle biome and should be near a jungle temple.)
Seed 4: -9089409167323528152
Best Jungle Island Spawn (a really good seed for those who wanted a jungle seed out in the middle of an ocean.)
Seed 3: -4586432859068680581
Awesome Jungle Ravine Spawn Minecraft Seed 1.8.9
Seed 2: -2893528817827962191
Cool Jungle temple ravine: X= -134 Y= 72 Z= 42
(Spawns you in the middle of a jungle, but if you head to the coordinates for this Minecraft seed you should find a jungle temple by a ravine.)
Seed 1: -4100875858698083715
NPC Village/Jungle
X= 6
Y= 72
Z= 659
Minecraft Seeds-
Minecraft Shaders-
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Please watch: “Top 10 Best Spawns Minecraft PE Seeds 0.14.2, 0.14, 0.13”