What is the DIKW Pyramid? 🐫 + Example

The DIKW hierarchy model represents the relationships between Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW).

Mathematicians would explain this with a formula (Houston and Harmon, 2002):

W = Σ(K) = ΣΣ(I) = ΣΣΣ(D)

But most others draw a pyramid. Synonyms are the DIKW hierarchy, DIKW chain, information pyramid, DIKW framework or DIKW model.

Why is DIKW important?
Only organizations that get the most out of their data will be able to remain competitive. It is therefore important to have an effective strategy to turn data into actionable wisdom. The DIKW pyramid could be a framework for this strategy.

What role does DIKW pyramid play?
The pyramid is a linear model. At the top DIKW stage, we have turned the insights into a learning experience that guides our actions to reach our goal and lowering risks. Each level in the pyramid answers questions about and adds value to the initial data.

Data are symbols that represent properties of objects and events.
Know: nothing
DIKW example: it’s raining 🌧️☔ (= observation)

When we add context to the data, it becomes information and make it more useful.
Know: who, what, when, where (= description)
DIKW example: The temperature dropped and the humidity went up in Cairo, Egypt at 10 am.

If information has been understood such that it explains the how and the why it becomes knowledge.
Know: how (= instruction), why (= understood)
DIKW example:
How? temperature drop + quick increase humidity + lower pressure area = 🌧️☔
Why? Interactions between evaporation, pressure areas, temperature gradients, changes, and raining.

Wisdom involves guiding one’s future actions.
Know: what is best (= judge and apply knowledge)
DIKW example: Based on the observations and math model, we can predict why and when it will rain in the future.

Data, Information and Knowledge are about the past (doing things right). Wisdom is about the future (doing the right thing).

The computer input at the bottom of the pyramid is high and the top low, for humans it is the other way around.

We are most interested in the action part, how do we make data useful. Because without action it makes little sense to convert data into wisdom. The DIKW pyramid provides guidelines, but is still a model, a strong simplification of reality.

ℹ️ 🔗 What is the DIKW pyramid?

0:00 Why DIKW pyramid?
0:31 How it works
0:38 Data
0:46 Information
0:53 Knowledge
1:00 Wisdom
1:13 DIKW example
1:40 Conclusion

📽️ DIKW Pyramid Criticism:
📽️ Why Network Analysis:
📽️ Ways to Visualise a Network:
📽️ How Symbio6 Improves Your Business:
📽️ Normalization vs Standardization:

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Music: Serge Quadrado – Islam Dream

Houston, R. D., & Harmon, E. G. (2002). Re-envisioning the information concept: Systematic definitions. In Emerging frameworks and methods: proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS4) (pp. 305-308).

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